Sunday, December 26, 2010

Long day, Wednesday was!

On Wednesday, I went to the retina doc's office for a follow-up to the surgery I had on my left eye last Thursday. I was told that things look as they should. (Mind, this doesn't mean that I can see any better just yet, but that there is no more blood and the hole they needed to cut was done so successfully.)

From there, I scurried to another hospital, where I was to meet the guy who took over the role of "PCP" in July, but whom I had never met. I had a brief wait, but nothing too bad. I met him, and was pretty shocked to find that he'd actually read my chart and therefore actually knew about my case. He was very nice, and I think that my former PCP made a good call in suggesting him when she left that hospital. We shall see. I am optimistic. The nurse in the office couldn't get a vein for a blood draw, so I had to go to the lab, which was a longer wait, but what can you do, right?

After that, I had 4 hours until I was supposed to go in for the MRI on my foot, which they so KINDLY called me on Tuesday evening to tell me that I was scheduled for 9:15pm on Wednesday. Ugh. I went from the blood lab, to the MRI department and explained that I was 4 hours early, but if there was any way to squeeze me in, that would be great, since I couldn't go home and come back due to the 2+hour commute via public transit each way. They said they would see what they could do, and actually took me in relatively quickly. It was a long procedure, and getting the IV in for contrast (which I was not told I would be getting) was a challenge, but they finally got it, and I was out of the hospital by about 7:30pm.

The foot doctor's office left me a voicemail at the crack of dawn on Thursday, asking if I could come in on Monday, instead of January 6th. but they didn't leave a time. I called back and left a message, saying "Sure, but you didn't tell me what time. It takes me 2+ h ours to get there, so I need at least 4 hours notice, please call me back." I called twice on Thursday, and once on Friday. On Friday, the lady had changed her message to "We are closed for the holiday. We re-open on Monday." I left her a message saying "Well, if you changed your greeting, you have clearly checked your messages and know that you didn't tell me what time to be there, and I still need to know, if it is going to happen." and now, we are having a blizzard, so I certainly won't be busting my ass to get there at any point. What a pain.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Well, that was fun...

I was taken in about 45 minutes late for my kidney appointment, and then had to wait a while for the actual doctor to come in. Still not as long as my usual wait, but then, with my pain being isolated to my upper left back and circling around to my chest, he sent me for labs and for an x-ray of my chest. That took forever.
In between, I went to the foot doctor's office to see what was going on with that "urgent" MRI that was supposed to be scheduled 2 weeks ago. I found out, after some waiting, that it hadn't been ordered. This would have been SLIGHTLY more acceptable had I not called 3-4 times over the past 2 weeks about said MRI. Now I have to "give it a couple of days" to even have them start trying to schedule it. Great.
Got blood work done. So many of those people smelled like stake booze and cigars. Not good when you can't breathe. Then, the radiology department smelled like subway urine. Really. I probably just made up that term, "subway urine" but really, it fits.

I am still not feeling well. I don't feel "sick" but I am in a lot of pain and a bit dizzy.
I am having double surgery on my left eye on Thursday. Hopefully this will help at least with the latter.

It is cold. I don't deal well with cold. My blood sugars have been decent, just have to prick my fingers at least 4 times to get any dang blood out of them when I am cold. Ah well.


i am sitting and waiting for the kidney doc. half an hour past my appointment time already. blood sugar is dipping. i have to go see about the foot mri when i am done here. i am in so much pain. so depressed.

Friday, December 3, 2010

So tired.

I really don't even know what to say.
I am exhausted, run down.
I feel like giving up, most of the time.
The pain is high and the treatment is non-existent.
I do the best I can, but I hurt everywhere, including my SKIN... and I feel like I am swelling again, which is painful and makes moving in any way very difficult.
Yesterday, I found out that I have a "plantar fibroma" on my right foot, and I need to have an MRI, which may indicate that I need surgery.
It is painful. I brought it up a month ago and the doc couldn't feel it (though he didn't actually try very hard) and yesterday, he could. They are supposed to call me with an MRI date. We shall see.
Other than that... just plugging along as best I can. Doing my best to keep my head up.