Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I really don't know.

I am fighting.
Every day, I fight.
I am losing my strength.
Rather, I am not gaining it back as quickly as I would like to.
I am depressed.
I am doing everything I can to stay positive, and keep fighting.
It might help if friends and family would actually do things with me so that I didn't feel so damn alone all of the time.
My visiting nurse did not show or call today, and I was given a "phone discharge" from physical therapy, which I think was uncalled for and disrespectful.
Oh, and the last time the nurse DID show, she said I might not ever get my full lung capacity back.
What kind of shit is that?
I mean, it may be true- but she didn't give me ANY positive sort of anything- just a plain old "Yeah, you might have trouble breathing for the rest of your life."
Not cool.

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